Looking for a job?
You’ve come to the right place
We match you with the finest employers who are looking for someone with your skills and experience
We provide you with an assessment of your job skills to match you with the best employer.
Looking for a Job?
Looking for a Job?
Our team has extensive experience placing trained personnel with Los Angeles county employers, specializing in the following career fields:
- Clerical
- Business office operations
- Warehousing
- Transportation and Logistics
- Home health care
- Medical Assisting, front office and back office
- Medical Billing/Coding, insurance billing
- Phlebotomy
We can provide our clients with professional in-field training support assistance to update or extend your job skills.
We welcome your inquiries. Contact us today
Corporate Offices
1670 Wilshire Blvd
Los Angeles CA 90017
Our hours
8:00 AM -5.00 PM
Monday through Friday
Contact us
Phone: (213) 413-6808
Email: info@decvs.com